Tuesday, 14 October 2014

2001: A Space Odyssey Film Review - Attempt 2

Spell-Checked and sorted. Hope this is better. https://www.scribd.com/doc/243013593/Odyssey-Review


  1. Hi Julia,

    Just take a look at your spelling... it maybe the formatting in Scribd, but your review is littered with typos... you need to take this back down and re-upload when it's fixed. You've probably written this a bit too quickly to proof-read and polish - but right now, it's not painting you in a great light. Remember, everything you publish online tells someone something about you. I'd try to take control of their view; don't let them make assumptions about you because of your spelling (and people make those assumptions all the time...)

    1. I just copied and paste what I wrote into the actually blogger posting page and I saw all the mistakes, geee, my word is broken. I corrected them all and re submitted it. Hopes it okay now.

    2. my phone and auto-correct - Actual*. =<

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Better Julia - apart from in the first line, you have called him 'Stanley Kurbrick' :)

    1. damn, I shall change that soon! I don't know whats wrong with me aha
