Thursday, 23 March 2017

Personal Work: February -> March

I have started up a Patreon as a friend suggested that I try to get my artwork out there and I have successfully gained 1 follower who's planning on paying his support which is a start! The past two months have been a rollercoaster of events happening with family and friends, balancing my work has been challenging, so during renders and breaks I've been practising my anatomy and trying to make a living from my character designs. So here are some pieces that I've worked on in the past two months!

This is Yuki or Snow an original character that I came up with. 

Here I zoomed into work on the face and took a shot of it, I am proud that I managed to even do this as I actually avoid faces, hands and feet. 

Another pose that Snow is in, this one focuses mainly on the hands and the face. 

This next one, with the blank face, was a sketch I made to get another example of a pose I wanted to work on.

A younger version of Snow in this one, I wanted to focus on clothes and her ears! 

A logo/business design I came up with, this actually got recommendation and interest on my twitter! :) 

This is pretty bad, to be honest, I haven't studied male anatomy as much recently, but I had the opportunity to sketch this quick fanart of Link in response to the release of the new Legend of Zelda; Breath of the Wild. Which I've not had the chance to play, but have seen played and it looks like a very beautiful game. I'll probably re-work this when I have time. It was just a rough sketch!

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