Friday, 12 May 2017

@Phil UPDATE: Big Red Hand Print Version 3 No-Effect + Effect + Giraffe B & W

I have completed the list of alterations that were commented on the last version of my project piece. The effect makes the film look completely different, since looking at it completely in the ''nude'' I suppose that is to be expected. Is this the final one? Let us see.....

Version 3: No-Effect.


Version 3: Effect's Applied.


Visitor Scene Segment with Black & White Giraffe

This is a upload of just the visitor scene with the giraffe turned into a black and white lines image as to oppose to the previous coloured image.

Tuesday, 9 May 2017

@Phil Update: Apple Pie Revisit + Effects

Applied Effects to Scene

In these following videos I have taken a 30 second clip of the front part of my animation and tested out a few different effects for review.  Each has the same paper effect consistency and I will add toned down editions for the paper texture later on. 

Vin - Effect 1: 

Vin - Effect 2:

Vin - Effect 3:

Vin - Effect 4:

Apple Pie Revisit

After going over the feedback from the previous post I remade the apple pie to looked more like a pie rather than a block. Now I have a slight issue with colouration and what best matches in terms of the crust and the apples in the middle. I made a short clip with the best ones I think match. I prefer the lighter tone for the crust but unsure what compliments it for the apples.

Plate + Pie Render: 
I rendered the Pie sitting on the Plate for a sense of colour as this was probably the best combo of colours that I liked.

Sunday, 7 May 2017

UPDATE: Big Red Hand Print - Test 1 - Pre-Effect Render

Today I managed to finish complying all the footage for my animation into one composition(bar the shirt asset animation which remains a technical issue until tomorrow!) and animate it in sync with the already made sfx and voice over. There are some kinks that I need to iron out, mainly to do with scene transitions - and add in the shirts - but I love how the whole thing fits together, and the rushed/sketch-i-ness of it all adds to the idea being that it is a recollection of a group of memories.I also love how the Tree, the Plate and the Fly parts all turned out, they have to be my favourite segments!

Final Preparations (My to-do list):

- Fix the transitions between each scene, each frame, make sure they fade in out to white and smoother.

- Add the shirt animation segment in.

- Make sure the visitor scene is rendered out on White background to make the ''blinking'' effect that is occurring on the walking part null out to white and not to black.

-  Edit the exterior and interior line portions of the visitor centre scene. Redo this using flash/animate CC for a smoother connecting line and flow.

- Make sure the ''Red Line'' exists where it needs to.

- Add overlay effects (Paper texture, noise and vignetting).

- Complete Art Of Document!

After I have worked my way through this list I should be golden for the hand in!

Wednesday, 3 May 2017

Update: Tree

Working on the first part of my animation and I madethe tree scene and will be added effects post-edit.

Thursday, 27 April 2017

UPDATE: Added the ''Memory line'' to stairs sequence!

The Infamous red line has seemed to have slipped away from my work, so I asked Alan the best possible way that I can re-introduce it and Voila. Little curves work and I have a working and moving/growing line that appears in the scene with ease. Now to apply this to the rest and we are one step closer to a final animation! It's all coming together!

Wednesday, 26 April 2017

@Phil UPDATE: Visitor Scene Added POV

I added some more footage to make the POV of the girl walking by the rail more like a rotoscoped video rather than a frame by frame drawing.

This second one is with the effects in place that were discussed in the previous video.

Sunday, 23 April 2017

Update: Art of inclusions

I decided to make a few snaps of the newer additions to my art off and incorporate them into the document. Maya is evidently proving to be stubborn with me again, I hope to smooth out the kinks soon. But it is nice to be able to something as simple as taking a few screen shots.

Book Front Views:



Full Toon and Control

Wire Frame

Book Top Views:



Full Toon and Control

Wire Frame

Sauce Pan Front Views:

Full Toon
Wire Frame

 Sauce Pan Top Views:

Full toon


Wire Frame

Book Covering and Interior:

Hawk eyes

Girrafe Line
Giraffe colour

Tuesday, 18 April 2017

@Phil @Alan - UPDATE: Fixed black background and added effects!

I have managed to fix the black background in the book section of this scene and it looks much better!

I have also had a go at adding two effects, firstly a mask that creates a paper-like effect on the whole scene itself and a vignetting effect, I think at the moment it's too much and I might have to attempt to remove some of it with the sliders. Opinion?

Sunday, 16 April 2017

@Alan @Phil UPDATE: Visitor Sequence Test 1

Happy Easter first of all!

Secondly, I wanted to start my final movie by getting at least one scene near perfect, so I put together one scene that is the first test sequence for the Visitor section of the voice over. I'm not well versed in after effects so honestly, this wasn't a bad first try.

The composition worked really well, so what I @'ed you both for was some editing advice, in the ways of what should really go where and how they should fit together.

For example, the book; should it just ''pop'' up like that, like suddenly for dramatic effect or is there a effect that I can apply to the object to make that transition into view more easier - side note: I tried to match the book to the rotoscoped background and make it so that it appears when the door opens and the camera moved into place, make the book scale as the camera moved close but it didn't seem right as it was all ''jiggly'' when I was trying to key the positions, so I only keyed it from the point the VO says about the book and the camera is close enough to the corner.

I might need to shift the Opacity sliders a little more to make the transitioning of the giraffe/hawk combination appear better but that's honestly my favourite part - side note: Is there a way to make the giraffe follow the opening of the book so it ''sticks'' to it? I mean I know skewing the images work but I'm not sure if I can achieve that within after effects or it's something I have to achieve in Maya. Second side note - I have no clue why that the background changes from white to black as the composition's background is set to default white, is it an Alpha channel issue? Maybe I need to import it with that on/off?

Thanks and I'll be in to spend those vouchers whenever easter break is over :D

Video - Visitor Scene Test 1:

UPDATE: Panning across a shelf scene

Just a scene at the begging of my animation with the photo frames and the word baby that symbolise a growing family.

Thursday, 23 March 2017

Personal Work: February -> March

I have started up a Patreon as a friend suggested that I try to get my artwork out there and I have successfully gained 1 follower who's planning on paying his support which is a start! The past two months have been a rollercoaster of events happening with family and friends, balancing my work has been challenging, so during renders and breaks I've been practising my anatomy and trying to make a living from my character designs. So here are some pieces that I've worked on in the past two months!

This is Yuki or Snow an original character that I came up with. 

Here I zoomed into work on the face and took a shot of it, I am proud that I managed to even do this as I actually avoid faces, hands and feet. 

Another pose that Snow is in, this one focuses mainly on the hands and the face. 

This next one, with the blank face, was a sketch I made to get another example of a pose I wanted to work on.

A younger version of Snow in this one, I wanted to focus on clothes and her ears! 

A logo/business design I came up with, this actually got recommendation and interest on my twitter! :) 

This is pretty bad, to be honest, I haven't studied male anatomy as much recently, but I had the opportunity to sketch this quick fanart of Link in response to the release of the new Legend of Zelda; Breath of the Wild. Which I've not had the chance to play, but have seen played and it looks like a very beautiful game. I'll probably re-work this when I have time. It was just a rough sketch!

UPDATE: Shirt Pile and Single Shirt of Animation

I did believe that this was the last asset to model with toon effects but I completely forgot about the book in the care centre scene! I will model that next, and that should be it! Just need some footage sorted to rotoscope and some advice as to how I'm piecing these two together effectively would be my next step. 

Wednesday, 22 March 2017

UPDATE: Saucepan Tooned and ready for lighting and rendering.

I have created a saucepan for the cooking roast dinner scenes of the animation. Had a little difficulty with the toon lines as I had modelled it a bit weirdly. But I managed to fix it. All that's left to make now is the pile of shirts and I believe I have everything asset related to the animatic's outcome ready to toon/render and light. Then I can work on the camera movements for the animated rotoscoping scenes of the project. Piece it all together and I should have a decent animation.

Sunday, 12 March 2017

UPDATE: Animatic Revisions + Sounds + Assets

After a few tries to get the main two renders to work I've imported them into the sequences in the spaces that they will appear. I will now be working on completing the remaining objects and rendering them to add as well. I have also imported so more sounds, mainly ambience to fill in the quiet gaps at the beginning. Working on adding more effects as I go, that is if I can find the relevant SFX.

Sunday, 5 March 2017

UPDATE: All Scenes Ready for Camera Work.

I have finished making all the scenes for the camera movements I am ready to start importing in a camera and getting the frames recorded so I can rotoscope the important parts! The scenes are simple and block-y because the rotoscoping process allows me to add detail and import some things that haven't been modelled or if I miss something simple I can draw it in.  

Visitor Centre Scene.

Kitchen Scene.

First Living Room Scene.

Second Living Room Scene.

Photo Frame Scene.

Stairs Angle 1.

Stairs Angle 2.

Stairs Angle 3.

Stairs Angle 4.

Tuesday, 28 February 2017

@Phil UPDATE: Animatic with SFX test 1

I have just put together some sound effects to go with certain parts of the animation, It definitely works in some places, I just need to figure out where else sound effects could become part of it, and find a decent background track that pairs with the last little piece I have at the end.

Thoughts? (All royalty free)

Thursday, 16 February 2017

@Phil UPDATE: Animatic 2.0

Re-drew some scenes and added some ''inter-cuts'' as suggested!

@Phil UPDATE: A scary inter cut!

I was working on all of my intercuts, and this is probably the scariest, when put in the sequence it definitely hits you in the face! I also added in some other new content as a preview to what I have been adding to the animatic.