Waltz with Bashir (2008), directed by Ari Folman, brings us a animated quasi-documentary that follows the Folmans in an attempt to unravel the tragic events that took place in September of 1983.It was on this night that a massacre of over 300 Palestinian refuges to the hands Christian military. The story begins with Folman reliving the memories that he can remember with a friend at a bar. The artistic mixed with the story brings a great powerful films that deals with sensitive topics around war. It tackles these in a documentary style which makes the film feel more personal and real.
The story revolves around Folman coming to terms with what happened and rekindling his hazy memories of the event. It is a powerful film that deals with sensitive topics around war, it tackles these in a documentary style which makes the film feel more personal and real.
The film delivers and mixes dreams and reality frequently, which makes it a little hard to understand where the line is between them. The entire experience seems to feel distorted which could appear to reflect the memory of Folman or the actual memory in general. The film reflects how memory can distort in an attempt to protect us from the actual truth. Bringing us to terms with the tragedy that he was very close to what he was part of. The dressage given to us, or rather the aesthetic of them film also mirrors the confused feeling that is expressed in the narrative, the animation overall strengthens the distorted feeling of the film as it goes from a power gold and black coloured dream world to a more gritty real world tragedy as a soldier takes a bullet to the neck.
The character of Folman, deals with some very tragedy of war in such a beautiful way, scenes that should be completely distressing feeling with an artistic and beautiful look at it. There are many scenes through out the film that offer a strange connections from the story and the audience.
Overall the film was very engaging and the artistic style was very interesting to watch. The film linked very well with the narrative and it was entrancing to watch. The final scenes leave a haunting memory, a powerful statement that the good of mankind is hard to find.
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