Character &
Without being tempted to go for the ‘’Top of the head’’
choice for this task, i.e. someone like Batman & Joker, I have chosen two
opposing character’s from the well-loved Disney movie Peter Pan. These two
being Hook and Peter Pan himself.

As Peter Pan is a fictional movie the characters both have
the same birth date, May 9
th 1860, and place, Scotland. This is
because the original story of Peter Pan was written by J.M. Barrie. The novel
was published in 1911, and Disney’s classic take on the tale appeared on our
screens in 1953. Pan is depicted as the ‘’Boy who never Grows’’ up, even though
he was introduced to his new world when he was baby at seven days old, he seems
to be around 12-15 years old. In other depictions he seems to be in the 14-15
range as he understands the concept of a kiss, love and having a family. Walt
Disney describes him as
‘’ He is twelve
years old forever simply because he refuses to grow up beyond that comfortable
age.’’- (Walt Disney, 1958.). His
world view is that no child should need to grow up and that adults are just getting
in the way. When he was just a baby, the faires took him to Neverland, it is
here that he inherited his own world, creating the Lost Boys and his goal is to
bring Wendy Darling and her brothers to Neverland so that he could hear stories
from Wendy all the time and forever. His other goals or wants are that he wants
to insure that he gives Captain Hook hell as he and his crew are the only adults
in Neverland that do not belong. Pan does not have that many needs, his needs
are the same as his goals in this sense. He does want to make sure that all
children are happy. Which brings us to his Internal Vs External Traits. His
internal is that his parents wanted him to be this big success and all he
wanted to be is a child, external being that he now saves children from their adult
life – the Once Upon a Time Version puts a really grim twist on this story as
it tells that Peter Pan is a shadow that takes children who die in their sleep
so that they do not return to their bodies – or be saved – are eternal on
Neverland. Pan has many flaws mainly that he is too caring towards Wendy and almost
loses to Hook. As well as the fact that he is cocky and impulsive – even though
he is immortal that can still cause others harm. Overall his Story Arc consists of him wanted
to take Wendy and her brothers away and keep them in Neverland, after their
battle with Hook and Tinker bell saving him he changes his mind and lets Wendy
return home. His conflicts being Hook and the Pirates and his choice to let Wendy
go and the value changes display in the scene is when Wendy give Peter a
Thimble (a real kiss) causing him to regain his strength and fight Hook.

Captain’s James Hook, the villain of the story and enemy to
Peter Pan is my second choice of character. With the same birth date and
history as Pan except that he’s around 30 years old and runs a crew of hardy
pirates. Hook has sailed the seven seas including Neverland and only wishes to
be rid of Peter and Neverland and get back to the real world. Instead of
getting his revenge on Pan for cutting of his hand and throwing it to the
crocodiles, he ends up being chased away by it, unsuccessfully getting his
revenge. He starts out by kidnapping Princess Tiger lily and forces Pan to
rescue her, then takes Wendy on his ship converting her to pirate story teller
and tricks her into showing the location of Pan’s lair, taking the lost boys
and the brother’s he challenges Pan and almost wins. Hook has a few flaws other
than being a pirate, he’s a ‘coward’ and a ‘cod-fish’. His internal vs External
triats are that he came to Neverland by accident and ends up being forced to
leave as he is chased by the crocodile to the ends of the earth so to speak.
Pan has taken his ship so he no longer captain it and he lost without a cause.
His crew follow him however so at least that’s a little bit of comfort.
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