Friday, 12 May 2017

@Phil UPDATE: Big Red Hand Print Version 3 No-Effect + Effect + Giraffe B & W

I have completed the list of alterations that were commented on the last version of my project piece. The effect makes the film look completely different, since looking at it completely in the ''nude'' I suppose that is to be expected. Is this the final one? Let us see.....

Version 3: No-Effect.


Version 3: Effect's Applied.


Visitor Scene Segment with Black & White Giraffe

This is a upload of just the visitor scene with the giraffe turned into a black and white lines image as to oppose to the previous coloured image.

Tuesday, 9 May 2017

@Phil Update: Apple Pie Revisit + Effects

Applied Effects to Scene

In these following videos I have taken a 30 second clip of the front part of my animation and tested out a few different effects for review.  Each has the same paper effect consistency and I will add toned down editions for the paper texture later on. 

Vin - Effect 1: 

Vin - Effect 2:

Vin - Effect 3:

Vin - Effect 4:

Apple Pie Revisit

After going over the feedback from the previous post I remade the apple pie to looked more like a pie rather than a block. Now I have a slight issue with colouration and what best matches in terms of the crust and the apples in the middle. I made a short clip with the best ones I think match. I prefer the lighter tone for the crust but unsure what compliments it for the apples.

Plate + Pie Render: 
I rendered the Pie sitting on the Plate for a sense of colour as this was probably the best combo of colours that I liked.

Sunday, 7 May 2017

UPDATE: Big Red Hand Print - Test 1 - Pre-Effect Render

Today I managed to finish complying all the footage for my animation into one composition(bar the shirt asset animation which remains a technical issue until tomorrow!) and animate it in sync with the already made sfx and voice over. There are some kinks that I need to iron out, mainly to do with scene transitions - and add in the shirts - but I love how the whole thing fits together, and the rushed/sketch-i-ness of it all adds to the idea being that it is a recollection of a group of memories.I also love how the Tree, the Plate and the Fly parts all turned out, they have to be my favourite segments!

Final Preparations (My to-do list):

- Fix the transitions between each scene, each frame, make sure they fade in out to white and smoother.

- Add the shirt animation segment in.

- Make sure the visitor scene is rendered out on White background to make the ''blinking'' effect that is occurring on the walking part null out to white and not to black.

-  Edit the exterior and interior line portions of the visitor centre scene. Redo this using flash/animate CC for a smoother connecting line and flow.

- Make sure the ''Red Line'' exists where it needs to.

- Add overlay effects (Paper texture, noise and vignetting).

- Complete Art Of Document!

After I have worked my way through this list I should be golden for the hand in!

Wednesday, 3 May 2017

Update: Tree

Working on the first part of my animation and I madethe tree scene and will be added effects post-edit.